Address: 415 Southwest Eighth Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 331-2227
Times of Operation: N/A
How to Set Up an Appointment: Call the main line or email the program’s contact point for more information.
Qualifications: The AAA provides services to individuals age 60 and over and their caregivers of the 26 counties of the Panhandle.
Services Offered:
Congregate and Home-delivered Meals, Demand Response Transportation, Evidence-based Disease Prevention Program, and Adult Day Care. Please contact Sundee Rossi by email [srossi@theprpc.org] for more information.
Caregiver Support: Please contact Jamie Sharp by email [Jsharp@theprpc.org] for more information about this program. Resources offered for caregivers include…
Information about resources to help families in their caregiver roles.
Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to available services.
Caregiver counseling, training, and peer support to help families cope with the emotional and physical stress of dealing with the disabling effects of a family member’s chronic condition.
Respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities.
Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.
Care Coordination: Our Care Coordinator provides assistance for older adults (60 and over) who have recently been hospitalized or suffered a health care crisis and who are without the financial resources to pay for the total cost of needed care. The care coordinator assesses the client to determine the needs in order for them to continue to live at home. Care plans developed include (on a temporary, short-term basis) assistance ranging from light housecleaning to personal care. Please contact Janet Schulte by email [jschulte@theprpc.org] for more information.
Information and Assistance: The goal of the IR&A Program is to help our clients preserve their independence. For many callers, this is the first step to making informed decisions about the programs and services that fit their needs. Please contact Felicia Shaffer by email [fshaffer@theprpc.org] for more information.
Benefits Counseling: The Benefits Counselors answers questions about programs such as Medicare, Prescription Drug Plans, Supplement Insurance, Social Security and more. Please contact Josie Mayorga by email [jmayorga@theprpc.org] for more information.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman: A long-term care ombudsman is specially trained and certified to advocate for individuals living in nursing and assisted living facilities. Please email ombudsman@theprpc.org for more information regarding this program.
Address: 815 Ross St, Amarillo, TX 79102
Phone: (806) 374-8562
Times of Operation: 8:00 - 5:00 (Monday - Friday)
How to Set Up an Appointment: Call and ask for Nelly or Gracie.
Qualifications: Must be a senior (60+) and also must qualify by income.
Services Offered: Offers the same services as Texas Health and Human Services.
Address: 1309 SW 8th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 372-2531
Times of Operation: N/A
How to Set Up an Appointment: Apply ONLINE.
Qualifications: Depends on the program. Qualifications for each program are available HERE.
Services Offered:
COVID-19 Support Program
Family Development Program: This is not an emergency or short-term program, but a structured family planning process of multiple services designed to get the family out of poverty.
Housing Choice Voucher Program: Panhandle Community Services provides safe, affordable and quality housing opportunities to low-income families trying to pull themselves out of poverty.
Panhandle Transportation Program: Panhandle Transit provides transportation to non-urban areas across the Texas Panhandle for access to employment, education, shopping, recreation, health care, and social services. The curb-to-curb, demand/response service allows us to pick-up and/or drop-off passengers based on their needs.
Utility Assistance: The Utility Assistance Program is designed to prevent utility disconnects and stabilize utility costs for low-income households. Panhandle Community Services works with both public and private funds to pay the utility bills of low-income families. In addition, staff provides families and individuals with educational information to help reduce their utility cost and budget counseling to help them manage the cost of their utilities.
Veteran’s Assistance: The purpose of this program is to provide funds to meet the critical needs of homeowners including weatherization, home updates for the disabled, making the home accessible and repairs to make the house livable.
Types of energy conservation measures may include weather stripping, attic, and wall insulation, minor repairs to HVAC systems if under the approved dollar amount, caulking, and weather stripping.
Minor repair projects cover activities including minor window or door repair, water heater wraps, refrigerator repair or replacement, smoke detector installation, C.O. detector installation and led light bulbs.
Upgrades may include electrical upgrades, roof repair or replacement, modification and repairs to walkways or ramps, modifications to make bathrooms handicap accessible including shower enlargements, making the home wheelchair accessible, and installing compliant toilets or handrails as needed. PCS will adapt a plan according to the specific needs of each household.
Weatherization: Research indicates that small repairs on a home can greatly reduce its overall energy cost. The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) can help eligible families reduce energy consumption, heating, and cooling costs.
Texas Health and Human Services
Address: N/A
Phone: (806) 376-7214
Times of Operation: Depends on the program.
How to Set Up an Appointment: Complete the online application.
Qualifications: Use the prescreening tool to see which programs you might qualify for before you apply. Be ready to answer these questions…
Social Security number and birth date.
Citizenship or immigration status.
Money from jobs and other sources.
The value of cars and other property.
Costs you pay for bills.
Services Offered:
SNAP Food Benefits: SNAP food benefits are put on to the Lone Star Card and can be used just like a credit card at any store that accepts SNAP.
TANF Cash Help: Helps families with children age 18 and younger pay for basic needs.
Health Care: Helps cover visits to doctors, dentists, and hospitals. Also covers medicines ordered by doctors and dentists.
Support Services: Helps people with daily living needs, caregivers, and people with mental health, drug or alcohol issues.
WIC Food Benefits: Helps pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than five buy healthy foods.